We thank our employees for the tremendous contribution they have made to
Please note that New Jersey is under a storm warning for the hours from mid-day Sunday to early Monday morning. While under normal circumstances weather should not affect the operations of an endeavor like Body of Work (given that I can write this thing while lying in bed, flanked by a couple of cats and dressed in a clown costume), we firmly believe that everyone needs an excuse to not come to work every now and then to stay home and lay in bed (flanked by a couple of cats and wearing a clown costume).
Body of Work is an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate based on looks, IQ or strange obsessions. Because that would be hypocritical and icky. I know, because I asked my friend Knucklehead. Right Knucklehead?
That's funny, you make me laugh, whether you've got your clown costume on when writing or not I don't care, you're funny! :)