
Friday, April 15, 2011

Treasure from Trash

Thing 2 brought home an assignment to create "Treasure from Trash."  It was meant to teach recycling, respect for the earth, responsibility and independence.

While we usually have plenty of trash in the house, in a cruel twist of fate, said assignment came to "our" attention (so much for independence) the day after the town hauled away our recyclables, leaving us with nothing discarded from which to create a treasure.

So we had to buy something that we could discard, just to rescue it from the trash to complete the assignment.  (Somehow I don't think this is in the spirit of the assignment.  But I digress....)

Thing 2 decided to make a toothpaste and toothbrush holder out of old toothpaste containers. We didn't have any empty ones in the house (who collects those things?).  So I recycled myself over to the A&P and bought....

5 tubes of AIM toothpaste......

and emptied them into a Tupperware container

So that the fifth grade can save the Earth.  .

Now I'm looking for a project for the rectangular boxes the toothpaste came in. And a dental school with very minimal hygienic standards that accepts toothpaste donations.

And the winners are:

Taube - for a correct guess!
Deb Claxton - for most politically funny guess!

Identify yourselves so I can send you your prizes!


  1. I had no clue what that was! good one!

  2. I'd like to thank all the Little People for helping me win this award and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker for creating my disdain for the Tea Party. I think you should mail my prize to the Osmond family because they have more teeth than I do and probably need extra toothpaste. Thanks again and I really enjoy your blog!

  3. Awesome story! I'm friends with Secret Agent Trader Joe, so feel free to give my prize to her. : ) : )
